今天看到一个很好的开源库Mantle,顺便一路整理下Modeling,Persist Data的概念。



Because model objects represent knowledge and expertise related to a specific problem domain, they can be reused when that problem domain is in effect. Ideally, a model object should have no explicit connection to the view objects that present its data and allow users to edit that data—in other words, it should not be concerned with user-interface and presentation issues.


  • Instance variables
  • Accessor methods and declared properties
  • Key-value coding
  • Initialization and deallocation
  • Object encoding
  • Object copying

接着我们就来看看Object encodingObject copying

Persist Data

在说Object encoding之前,我们要说一下Persist Datawhatwhy

Persistence is achieved in practice by storing the state as data in non-volatile storage such as a hard drive or flash memory, most basically via serialization of the data to a storable format, and then saving the data to a file.

Among the most important architectural decisions made when building an app is how to persist data between launches. The question of how, exactly, to re-create the state of the app from the time it was last opened; of how to describe the object graph in such a way that it can be flawlessly reconstructed next time.

Object graph

In an object-oriented program, groups of objects form a network through their relationships with each other—either through a direct reference to another object or through a chain of intermediate references. These groups of objects are referred to as object graphs.

Sometimes you may want to convert an object graph—usually just a section of the full object graph in the application—into a form that can be saved to a file or transmitted to another process or machine and then reconstructed. This process is known as archiving.

Object encoding

Object encoding converts an object’s class identity and state to a format that can be stored or transferred between processes. The class type and instance data are written to a byte stream that can persist after a program terminates. When the program is launched again, a newly allocated object can decode the stored representation of itself and restore itself to its previous runtime state. Encoding usually occurs in concert with archiving, which puts a graph of objects into a format (an archive) that can be written to the file system; unarchiving operates on an archive, asking each object in the stored graph to decode itself.

Classes that conform to NSCoding can be serialized and deserialized into data that can be either be archived to disk or distributed across a network.



对离开时的state进行保存,实际就是对当时的object graph进行保存。将整个object graph进行序列化编码保存的过程就是archivingarchived的文件可以存本地或进行传输。


Object Copying

再来看看Object copying

Copying an object creates a new object with the same class and properties as the original object. You copy an object when you want your own version of the data that the object contains. If you receive an object from elsewhere in an application but do not copy it, you share the object with its owner (and perhaps others), who might change the encapsulated contents.


An object can be copied if its class adopts the NSCopying protocol and implements its single method, copyWithZone:.



Shallow or Deep

Copies of objects can be shallow or deep. Both shallow- and deep-copy approaches directly duplicate scalar properties but differ on how they handle pointer references, particularly references to objects. A deep copy duplicates the objects referenced while a shallow copy duplicates only the references to those objects.



Mantle makes it easy to write a simple model layer for your Cocoa or Cocoa Touch application.




  • <NSCoding>
  • <NSCopying>
  • -isEqual:
  • -hash







