从Xcode 5开始,Apple终于发布了自己的单元测试框架(之前接入的是OCUnit)– XCTest,而且在Xcode 6中正变得愈发强大,是时候把单元测试捡起来了 smile



Test suite

This is the entire collection of tests for your project. In Xcode, the test suite is set up as a separate build target.

Test case classes

As you might expect in an object-oriented system, tests are grouped into classes. Each test class usually corresponds to a single class in your app. For example, the DeveloperTests class could contain tests for the Developer class.

Test case methods

Each test case class contains multiple methods to test various features of the class. Just as methods and functions should be as short as possible and do one thing well, each test case should test one specific outcome — and test it fully.

Test case methods must start with the word test so the test runner can find them.


Assertions check specific conditions against an expected result. If the condition does not match the expected result, Xcode throws an error to indicate an assertion failure. For example, you could assert that your Developer class responds to the writeKillerApp: message; if it doesn’t, the assertion will fail and an exception will be thrown.

setUp & tearDown

-setUp is called before each test in an XCTestCase is run, and when that test finishes running, -tearDown is called.
If you have multiple test methods, then -setUp and -tearDown are called multiple times in a single test session — once per test case method!

Naming Standard

A common and useful naming standard for test cases is unitOfWork_stateUnderTest_expectedBehavior. For example:

- (void)test_addition_twoPlusTwo_isFour

In this example, the unit of work being tested is addition, the test state is 2 + 2, and the expected behavior is that the result is 4.

XCTest Assertions

All XCTest assertions begin with the prefix XCT.
XCTest comes with a number of built-in assertions, below are some essentials:

Fundamental Test

All of the XCTest assertions come down to a single, base assertion:

XCTAssert(expression, format...)

The first parameter is an expression that is expected to evaluate to true, while the NSLog-style parameters following the expression define the message displayed if the assertion fails.

Boolean Tests

To test whether the expressions are true/false:

XCTAssertTrue(expression, format...)
XCTAssertFalse(expression, format...)

XCTAssert is equivalent to XCTAssertTrue.

Equality Tests

To test whether two values are equal or not, greater or less:

XCTAssertEqual(expression1, expression2, format...) // test for scalars.
XCTAssertNotEqual(expression1, expression2, format...)
XCTAssertEqualWithAccuracy(expression1, expression2, accuracy, format...) // test for scalars such as floats and doubles
XCTAssertEqualObjects(expression1, expression2, format...)
XCTAssertGreaterThan(expression1, expression2, format...)
XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(expression1, expression2, format...)

Nil Tests

To test the existence (or non-existence) of a given value:

XCTAssertNil(expression, format...)
XCTAssertNotNil(expression, format...)

Unconditional Fail

The XCTFail assertion will always fail:


XCTFail is most commonly used to denote a placeholder for a test that should be made to pass. It is also useful for handling error cases already accounted by other flow control structures, such as the else clause of an if statement testing for success.


Perhaps the most exciting feature added in Xcode 6 is built-in support for asynchronous testing, with the XCTestExpectation class. Now, tests can wait for a specified length of time for certain conditions to be satisfied, without resorting to complicated GCD incantations.

// 1. Create an expectation.
let expectation: XCTestExpectation = 
self.expectationWithDescription("Async something")

// 2. Do some async operations. 
    // 4. Fulfill the expectation. 

// 3. The test will pause here, running the run loop, until 
// the timeout is hit or all expectations are fulfilled. 
self.waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1.0, handler: { (error) in
    // 5. Expectation failed.
    XCTAssertNil(error, "Async test didn't finish before timeout."); 

Performance Testing

Performance tests which is introduced in Xcode 6, help establish a baseline of performance for hot code paths. Sprinkle them into your test cases to ensure that significant algorithms and procedures remain performant as time goes on.

  • measureBlock: which takes a block of code and measures the execution time of the entire block. It runs whatever code you put inside it 10 times and measures a default set of metrics.
  • measureMetrics: is a more intimate version of measureBlock that offers fine grained control of what to measure, and when to measure it.
func testDateFormatterPerformance() {
    let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateStyle = .LongStyle
    dateFormatter.timeStyle = .ShortStyle

    let date = NSDate()

    measureBlock() {
        let string = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)


最后来说说Test-Driven Development

测试驱动开发是极限编程eXtreme Programming中倡导的程序开发方法:先写测试程序,然后编码实现其功能。








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